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About Blissful Birth Doula 

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Brianne Bell CD(DONA)

Certified Birth Doula

Are you curious about a holistic birth that respects body autonomy and is guided by your own instincts? A birth free from unnecessary medical interventions? Perhaps a birth unfolding in the safety of your own home or a birth center? Then blissful birth support is for you.

I believe in the innate power and wisdom of women to birth. Birth is a natural process that our bodies are designed for, and it thrives in a environment where there is less interference and more opportunity for women to fully engage with the birthing process.


My philosophy centers on empowering mothers to birth in their own powerful ways. A mother who births guided by her instincts, free from external fears and systems, becomes a confident, joyful mother. This strength carries into motherhood, benefiting both her and her child. This journey requires moving beyond limiting beliefs and facing the unknown with courage. I am here to support you, ensuring that medical scare tactics do not overshadow the powerful path of birthing the way you choose. It's about embracing your pregnancy, trusting your body, and honoring your baby as wise and capable.


As your doula, I will create a safe and nurturing environment where you can birth instinctively, trusting in your body's wisdom and strength. I offer a wealth of knowledge about birth, guiding you through every decision with evidence-based information and intuitive support. My goal is to help you release any fears surrounding birth, empowering you to embrace your journey with confidence and joy. I utilize timeless comfort measures, tools and techniques to help you progress through birth more efficiently and comfortably. Through continuous emotional and physical support, I ensure you feel reassured, supported, and celebrated, allowing you to experience the powerful, fulfilling birth you deserve.

My beliefs have been shaped by the births of my own children, my experiences supporting birthing women and by following the transformative work of leaders in the field of birth-work like Whapio the Matrona, Dr. Rachel Reed, Dr.Stuart Fischbein, Blyss Young, Emilee Saldaya, Yolande Norris-Clark, Sister MorningStar, and Nathan Riley (obgyn). Their contributions have inspired me to bring this liberation to our community. Join me in embracing the Divine Authority of Birth!


A Birth Story of My Own: My Path to Becoming a Doula

My name is Brianne, mother of two beautiful daughters and wife to an incredibly supportive husband. I'm a Certified 200-hour Yoga Instructor, a Diplomaed Horticulturist, a nutrition enthusiast, and a passionate Birth and Postpartum Doula. I teach prenatal and other yoga styles at Lahari Yoga Studio in St. Albert, and I support doula clients across Alberta.

My journey into birth work began with the birth of my first daughter and deepened after the birth of my second. Despite planning home births under midwifery care, certain parts of each birth ran outside the range of normal and I ended up with hospital deliveries for both, due to the constraints of the regulated midwifery model in Canada.

These experiences inspired me to help other women achieve their dream births. After training as a doula, I immersed myself in attending births and studying the process of birth in depth. Today, I stand by women, offering unwavering support in pursuit of the birth they desire, whether within the medical system or outside of it.


Empowering women to reclaim birth as a safe, joyous, and transformative experience. By supporting autonomy, encouraging uninterrupted physiological birth and sharing positive birth stories, I aim to shift the paradigm from birth as a frightening and traumatic experience to birth as ecstatic, instinctual and powerful. Shaping a world where birth is celebrated as a natural and spiritual rite of passage.


My mission is to support women through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum by fostering confidence, autonomy, and joy in the birthing process. I provide personalized, empathetic care to empower women to make informed choices, free from fear, coercion, and unnecessary intervention. By prioritizing harm reduction and preventing birth trauma, I aim to inspire positive birth stories and create a cultural shift. Through community education and advocacy, I work to ensure every mother feels respected, in control, and supported in her journey toward a safe and empowering birth.

Impower Your Birth Journey Today

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